Does anyone else wake up with this overwhelming feeling that society/life on Earth is pointless?

I think the lack of wonder isn't from getting older, necessarily, it's more from getting used to living a certain way. We start doing the same things everyday, seeing the same people, being in the same places.

When we're young we experience new things all the time. And sometimes they're amazing and sometimes we get hurt. So as we get older we start to avoid things that might hurt us, and eventually we find a nice content place that gives us most of what we want, and isn't going to have too many nasty surprises.

We see this on Reddit too, we get angry or dismissive with people or communities that are too different or two weird. We repeat the same jokes over and over again, complain about the same things and ask the same questions and get the same answer.

Wonder is only possible when we challenge ourselves. When we're young, everything is a challenge and so lots of things fill us with wonder. And as we get older things get easier for us, or we just find easier ways to get through the day and it might be years or decades later that we realize we're not amazed by anything anymore.

We need to challenge ourselves. Try to connect with people that are different than you, do something that doesn't make sense, even if it's just taking a new route to work. Accept the fact that there's a good chance that doing something new is also doing something stupid, and that it's OK to do stupid things sometimes.

Try on new ideas, and be willing to really fight for them. We can't have beauty or humor in our lives without surprising ourselves. Go do something stupid today and take the chance that it's going to hurt. You'll feel better about everything tomorrow.

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