Does anyone ever have like a bad or worrying thought like about something horrible, painful, sad or cringy . Does it ever make you jerk suddenly and uncontrollably. Almost like when someone jumps around a corner and scares you and you jump out of fear. Sorry if this is worded badly :)

It took awhile to save up enough money in order for me and my son to escape the gas lighting and emotionally abusive hell we lived in.

Time healed most of the "wounds".

But one of the worse sounds that is forever etched in our souls is the sound of the garage door opening, which signaled the abusive drunk would be crashing into our momentary peaceful respite.

Forward to our peaceful new life. There is a noise our a/c in our new place makes that mimics the garage door opening sound and the banging shut of the inner hall door of neighbors brings us back to the slamming doors of "him" coming back home. It's been 2 years and I hate that we both get triggered by our past still.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread