Does anyone feel like covid has undone years worth of personal growth?

I'm sorry you lost your job, it's on a par with an unexpected breakup in the pantheon of things that suck. I've lost many jobs, some I liked, some I hated. Weirdly, I've gone through several years of extreme job insecurity and only recently settled into a secure niche I'm enjoying despite COVID-19. You might find getting a little exercise each morning right when you get up helps you though. Just doing a few sets of push-ups or air squats to get the blood flowing and get your body started. Exercise is a wonderful salve to mental anguish. Follow it up with a phone call: call your parent(s), call a friend, call an ex you still can speak to, or just anyone you know and talk with them for a little while about literally anything. I always get immense relief from doing so. Turning off screens in the evening and reading a book has also helped me calm down. Despite the fear and uncertainty, just try to focus on consistently making these little incremental improvements, ignore the news and social media as much as possible, and maybe you'll be able to enjoy this time a little and get to know yourself a little better.

/r/self Thread