Does anyone have a Game Night rotation/drafting system?

I understand what you are saying, but I really don't agree.

It is fine for kids to take up interests in things in phases, but this is not their personal free time, it's a group activity. My kids get tons of time to play together, be idle, play outside, and if they want to play any of our games any time during the week, that's okay. We curate high-quality options for them to take up in their environment, and they will naturally gain and lose interests over time. They could go through the Stratego obsession just like my brother and I did, and that's okay.

But game nights are not driven by the children--they are something the entire family does together. As such, letting the children drive will lead to children making poor choices. Every time I ask my kids what they want to eat, I always get the same answer: whatever we ate the last time they picked. It takes a little coaching to remind them that there are other things out there, and very often(but not always) they settle on something totally different that they simply didn't think of. This is why the "my kid only eats chicken and french fries" thing exists, because children are being allowed to lead in areas where they need to simply participate and be trained up instead.

Also, the criticism about it being "overly convoluted" is a non-issue. Do you feel the computer you are typing on is an "overly convoluted solution" to communicating about your hobbies? Is your car an overly convoluted solution to transportation? Of course not, because the way you engage with them is straightforward. All this will require is for people to pick 1-2 games they want to play, and it works itself out, and prevents games that everyone likes from gathering dust; and keeps us from burning through the new hotness like top 40 pop music, where it is a rapid consumption cycle of binge and purge entertainment.

tl;dr: It is broke, that's why I want to fix it.

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