Does anyone just not want to be associated with any man/have anything to do with them

I'm getting there because of a recent experience among many. It was my old job (thank god I left). There was a new guy that had been making some very disturbing comments about little kids. Like, obsessively. Me and the other women and one nonbinary person kept avoiding the guy and being uncomfortable around him. Every. Single. Man mocked us all over this--saying we're overreacting, sensitive, that he's a "great guy", that he's just """"joking"""".

Turned out this guy had been convicted of possessing CP, trying to groom a 13 year old he knew the age of, and assaulting a child before.

Every single guy played dumb and acted like there was literally 0 sign! That it was a blindside! The rest of us knew something was off about him, yet they respected us so little that they shrugged it off.

And, see, I've seen a repeat of this situation for all kinds of groups of guys where they pretty much paint a guy doing something bad consistently as a great guy. Progressives, "woke", liberal, centrist, self described feminists, etc. It's like they are great at virtuesignalling but then completely yeet all conviction into the sun once it actually takes challenging something among themselves--which, surprise, surprise, takes a lot more bravery than they think. Being a "white knight" - even a fake one - is usually harder than simply going with the mob.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread