Does anyone know the meaning behind Ingenika? (Haida Gwaii)

I had the same problem finding the Ingenika River in the Haida Gwaii region. However, I think the river may only be named the Ingenika river by the local first nations of Haida Gwaii but I can't be certain by any stretch... I can only speculate this based on my father's photographic history of the region. He's passed so I am unable to ask him for further information. For further background to why im asking, one of the photos in his edit is of Ingenika, the eldest daughter of the chief. He kept an extensive journal of his travels and photographs, but what I've mentioned above is all I have to go on regarding this particular image.

One other thing he did note in his journal though is that the spelling of the daughters name was not Ingenika, but Injenika - maybe that's a significant difference worth noting, I'm not sure.

Either way, thank you for your input!

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