does anyone want to participate in a a dbd documentary with me? I want to interview violent killers also. It will be on pbs channel next summer

One summer me and friends went up to rumored abandoned mansion in the woods we found the mansion after hours of looking but as we will later find out we were not the only ones who found the mansion the man picked my friends off one by one till I was the last one left alive. He attacked me and I ran for a long as I could but he got a hold of me and stabbed several times In the leg I tried to run but realized resistance was futile I crawled away with all my hope drained from me but when he tried to finish me I took the blade through the hand and hit him in the head with a rock knocking his mask off I grabbed the knife with and stabbed him in the heart. Days later I realized what life was, life was a test of strength. You survive, you proved yourself, you die you are not worthy. After realizing this I took it apon myself to test those who think life is nothing less than some silly game.

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