Does anyone relate to The Joker? (2019)

I keep meaning to see it, but people say its very triggering. I do feel by society, because objectively I am unneeded as I am by society. With therapy and such I am working to change that, but it is accurate. From what I understand of the film he is utterly cut off from human relationships in any meaningful way. That is the core issue I have with the idea we should not worry about others at all, its all self love, and such. That is where it leads, the main difference being that most people are so apposed to hurting others they just suicide instead. Because if your on your own completely and totally that becomes a form of self love, the only self love we're all told is inherently wrong, to find peace.

'What about others' presupposes it would not take a burden off others, or there are others who care. I mean actually care, not sad for 2 days then shrug and say they made their decision, is what it is. And at its worst some people do have enough rage to be dangerous. That is the issue with pure self love I have, without deeper human relationships its empty and meaningless. I mean it is. If I work, go to school, achieve anything, none of it matters if I do not like myself. And self love does not change a lack of self like.

When every person you ever had ghosted or only comes around when they need something it does not engender liking oneself. Humans are social creatures, its actually a sign of a crap person to like themselves when everyone else does not. I don't know, but I never let go of your strict code. 2 years into therapy it seems if anything more true. Rely on yourself, no one cares seems accurate to me. Becoming like the joker feels like a choice largely, to not act normal, to not behave reasonably and put on a face of happiness. Feeling like the joker simply seems like the world.

/r/CPTSD Thread