Does anyone get sick of saying they are sober, and instead tell people they are Straight Edge?

It’s difficult. So many people seem to find it challenging to be around someone who has stopped drinking. I believe that for the most part it’s because they aren’t entirely comfortable with how much they themselves drink.

Over the past few years I’ve gone from explaining that I’m: - just taking a break - focussing on my fitness - find it harder to recover now I’m getting older - not good at moderation so easier not to drink at all

Non of it seems to lead to a quick shut down if the conversation.

If I’m feeling particularly intolerant I’ll just tell them that I do t want to drink myself to death like my mother did but that’s generally too personal and confronting so I rarely mention it.

But to your point yes, it’s difficult. People aren’t understanding - especially in the U.K. where the drinking culture is so pervasive.

/r/stopdrinking Thread