Does anyone use StyleCop?

Being based on the Roslyn analyzers framework, Stylecop works faster than Resharper, but its philosophy is terrible. I recommend shopping for a less opinionated analyzer, if one exists.

Stylecop has this OCD-encouraged mindset where they just made EVERY rule they possibly could, and they're ON by default.

Don't get me wrong, settling brace style debates, variable naming, even tabs vs spaces, all good ideas. Maybe even help decide some ground rules for where to do line breaks on long chains. These are basically the things Resharper does with its style rules.

Style cop just wants to make a decision for everything, but here's the thing. Even if you follow all the rules 99% of the time--no big deal, I can adapt to whatever the style rules are--but there's so many rules that even at 99% agreement you will constantly find yourself wanting to make an exception for one of them. For an easy example, 2++ non-nested classes in a file is sometimes a really great organizational tool, which is why it's the norm in most languages--and for that matter most C# code bases included. People see classes are highly related and belong together, so they want them in the same file, but they don't want to deal with all the long namespaces of nested classes. This happens constantly. I find most of the style cop rules are in the same vein as that.

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