Does a dog spending time with owners count as socializing or do they NEED to spend time with other dogs?

You should go ask this in r/dogs for some interesting thoughts. My Parents Dogs never interacted with other Dogs Lived in the house with Cats but never played with the cats.Stayed at home most of the time. My Dog has a large group of other Dogs to playdate with .They play in ways She can't play with me and gets way more exercise than I could give in the same length of time, she comes with me almost everywhere and meets all sorts of people as well. all of these Dogs seem pretty happy and well adjusted . The big difference is I know how my Dog will react in just about any situation new dogs ,new people ,no problem, where as My Parents dogs I wouldn't have been comfortable in a lot of the situations I get into now because they wouldn't know how to interact correctly because they would never have been in that environment. Also some Dogs don't like other Dogs or kids or new people . As long as you are giving your pup mental as well as physical exercise I don t know if they Need other Dogs exactly but mine sure enjoys the interaction.

/r/answers Thread