Why does Doug Ford have so much support among working class and immigrant communities

At the end of the day people just want to live their life without having to worry about the machinations of Queen's Park or Ottawa. They want to be left to their own devices without having to look over their shoulder to see what new law or "ism" is sneaking up behind them. But at the same time they still want a functioning state. Consequently, people will vote for a politician that will limit the scope of state while refocusing the state towards basic services. People care more about traffic than social justice. In refocusing the state, people hope that Ford or his government will treat with them (the "average person") with basic respect. When Kathleen Wynne called the detractors of Ontario's Sex curriculum homophobes, that wasn't respect that was social justice. The voting public is not dumb, they know the powers-that-be consider their opinions as wrong. We see this here when people dismiss any opposition to the carbon tax.

Alternatively, people in this province are seeking a vehicle to voice their discontent with our prime minister's social justice ideology.

/r/CanadaPolitics Thread