Why does everything always lead to an argument instead of an agreement?

People are shit at being objective, and don't care about getting closer to the truth.

I noticed a few years ago with online discussions that the majority of people approach a discussion with the intent of "winning" using their existing opinion, rather than trying to actually establish anything new, by comparing multiple points of view.

But then, it's hard to actually do that when people are so hostile and snarky in their interactions. I've managed to get close a few times, but eventually some cunty remark slips out and the whole thing becomes personal.

I think the other mistake we make is giving our opinion in an over-confident way that becomes hard to back down from, even if the opposing argument is convincing. We get ego-invested, and it becomes about saving-face, having the last word, and never admitting defeat in front of the audience.

I've been in plenty of long and shitty exchanges over the years, and it's almost never worth it. I did all the same shit I accuse other people of too. There were times I just wanted to prove someone wrong to bolster my own ego... which is pretty sad and unhealthy.

I've tried going into discussions with a "maybe I'm wrong" attitude, and I think it's the best way for things to not get out of control, but you still get the aggressive assholes... and when that happens, it's even more aggravating because they're not extending the same courtesy. These days I try to avoid it completely by having fun shitposting.

/r/AskReddit Thread