Why does facial symmetry/attractiveness seem to have a positive correlation with athleticism and good coordination?

Being in shape vastly improves looks, including general face shape.

Nah it’s really something you’re born with. Yes being in shape will always make your face look more defined, but it doesn’t guarantee a sharp ass jawline like the athletes I mentioned above. Having angular facial features are all genetic.

The idea basically comes down to attention early on in childhood. A young cute girl may be more encouraged to go into ballet by her parents, and so by the time a cute child grows into a pretty young woman, she is an experienced dancer. Similarly, a more homely child could get bullied out of doing ballet, because children are mean: "You're too ugly to be a ballerina". And so the self confidence blow snowballs into adolescence.

This is a great answer! I actually never thought of this and it totally makes sense now. The Halo Effect is very real and a physically attractive person will definitely grow up with more positive reinforcement than their physically unattractive counterparts. More positive reinforcement equals more practice, more practice equals a higher chance at being successful.

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