Why does this feel just SO materialistic?? Carlie says she’s sad because she ‘doesn’t want him to suffer’ but it just feels like she’s sad her kid isn’t ‘perfect’ and won’t be as instagrammable with glasses

You have to look at it from her shoes. She's a successful woman entrepreneur who makes money by exploiting her children illegally. She has to post photos of her baby with different products, and unfortunately the "Bubbles" look won't sell ad's.

Carlie isn't and will never be a mature enough person to raise a child. Her insecurities are going to shape and torment this boy. He will feel less of himself because his mother feels it. It's all subtle, but has a huge affect.

Also why I said she's exploiting her children illegally is because in Hollywood child actors have laws protecting them ensuring they aren't overworked and that a chunk of money is set aside for the child to enjoy later in life when he or she can. There is no fucking way Carlie is doing that.

/r/SHAYTARDS Thread Link - i.redd.it