Does feminism hurt men of color more than white men?

People aren't going to like what I have to say, but I think white men have it harder. White men don't keep their women in their place, that's why they have all these feminist problems to deal with. As a hispanic man, I see white women disrespecting their men in public, etc. Because white men allow them to act like that. This would not happen in a hispanic relationship. Hispanic women know not to do this, or they will get backhanded, thrown into the street, and get replaced by another female that same day. I see the same goes for black relationships too. Black men always got backup booty to replace their trifling ho's.

To wrap it up, minority men have backup pussy for when their chicks get out of line. White women have backup dick for when their SIMPs get out of line. See the difference? White men need to get their feminist monsters in check and let them know that they are replaceable, not the other way around. White men used to have the upper hand, and I think it's sad they let themselves walk around with a Welcome mat on their backs. MGTOW is one way to throw off the Welcome mat.

/r/MGTOW Thread