Why does Gunpei Yokoi not get as much mention as satoru iwata?

Because people like to pretend they care, so when the glasses guy died, people were like "oh noes, pray for nintendo, je suis super mario". People love that shit, because they can harvest those empathy points online. Bonus combo score if you are an "artist", so you draw -insert random person who just died- and blatantly promote your crappy art and profit over someones corpse.

People like the people they know. shigeru myamoto, the "my body is ready" guy, and a bit of this guy. I doubt any person could tell you any other nintendo employee in past or in the future. It's a simple case of exposure. As I gatheres, the other guy died long ago, and nobody cares because there was no internet to google him, or social media to pretend you care.

/r/truegaming Thread