Does Hades like to trick people?

If you are reaching out to Hades, but might be getting Hermes, it could be that They want you to worship them in tandem. Hades is obviously Hades, lord of the underworld, but Hermes has an important role with the dead and their final resting place as well. In my personal experience, when dealing with Hermes the psychopomp there’s a close connection between Him and Hades in many of my readings.

Think like... two coworkers in the break room. One is much more talkative and joke-y than the other who is much more quiet and reserved. Both are there, but one is going to be louder!

Also, even if you aren’t quite getting direct signs of Hades, that doesn’t mean you can’t worship Him. Give Him a defined space and leave offerings to Him. Keep Him close to your heart and eventually He will directly reveal Himself.


/r/Hellenism Thread