Does how lonely you are affect which movies you watch?

Does how lonely you are affect which movies you watch?

I'm a seriously-introverted person. I'm dealing with more people than I want to on a daily basis. So I don't really do "lonely"... If I can get a day or two alone I'm absolutely thrilled.

No one else I know likes to watch movies.

My friends/family/co-workers all like to watch movies... But they're generally into the big Hollywood tentpole stuff. Avengers and whatnot. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that - I enjoy those movies too. But none of them are at all interested in watching old/classic/artsy/whatever movies.

When I watch a good movie by myself, I get sad because it feels like I’m depriving myself of a moment I could be sharing with another human being.

A few years back, after Prometheus came out, I got curious about Lawrence of Arabia. It was referenced a few times in Prometheus and I'd never seen it. I knew the basic premise, who T. E. Lawrence was, what it was basically about. But I'd never actually seen the movie.

So I resolved to watch it. But I couldn't watch it some random evening or weekend because I'd be monopolizing our only good TV for 3+ hours. So I took a day off from work and stayed home to watch it. And it was awesome. Obviously somewhat dated, but still a terrific movie. Moving story, great acting, beautiful cinematography. Seriously - go watch it if you haven't.

But I kept thinking, throughout the movie, "I wish my wife was seeing this..." I really wanted to be able to share it with her. I wanted her to experience what I was. I wanted to be able to talk to her, afterwards, about one scene or another.

And, of course, that wasn't going to happen. Not just because I was watching it without her, but because she didn't want to watch it in the first place. I told her how awesome it was afterwards... But she's still not interested. Too old, not her kind of movie, whatever. She doesn't want to see it.

So, instead, I'm subscribed to /r/TrueFilm on reddit... And I watch various film commentary/critique/whatever channels on YouTube.

And while I'm certainly disappointed that I'm not getting to discuss this stuff with other human beings in-person... I'm also not going to deny myself the enjoyment of watching those movies in the first place.

/r/TrueFilm Thread