Does keeping a secret from your t stop therapy working?

Thank you. It doesn't change how I think about them.... much. I had a couple of theories about them before, just like fantasies about what their life might have been like in the past, and this confirms one theory, well as much as any single piece of information can do that (so not that much).

I think it's obvious to me and would be to t why I felt the desire to go a bit further than plain googling, since its been a month break so I felt a strong desire to connect. I also hate how little I know about my t (doesn't self disclose at all, really, other than a few 'i know a lot about this area' comments that I now understand in a very different light with this new information). Knowing more makes me feel powerful, and what I know is kind of dark, and that's made my sexual feelings about t go haywire lol.

Fuck, it's so annoying. I want to talk about it so much but I'm convinced they'd drop me, or at least feel violated and hate me.

Thanks for your comment. I think I could at least talk about my desire to know more about their past life.

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