Does life actually get any better?

Before I answer, I'd split life into 4 stages:

Childhood - usually a great experience, experiencing awesome things for the first time, chillout, first friends, love, etc.

Early adulthood, but still in education - you find hobbies, make the most friends, drive a car, drink crazy amounts of alcohol without side effects and organize trips on your own. A great time.

Career start - the fun part of life is over, social life is replaced with responsibilities. You're stressed if you'll find a job in your field, if you'll earn enough to cover basic expenses. Very stressful and tiring time, trying to figure out your life

Maintenance mode - begins when you're about 30, you have a stable job and maybe a family, but your health gradually goes downhill. You're goal at this point is to remain as healthy as possible, for as long as possible, as even though you have more time for fun, you might not enjoy it as you used to with obesity, aching back, bad eyesight and constant tiredness. Your appearance also goes in line with your health and I think I don't need to explain how it is important.

So if you're in the "career start" phase, life can become better, but it won't be as great as you're young years and it might not last long.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread