Does life actually get better? How do you come back/get better from being lonely and extremely depressed? How do you create meaningful relationships when you are so screwed up?

First of all, I hate my life. Second of all, I have to deal with being secondary cause I'm female. Before you misunderstand me, I mean I have been one of those whose put up being in an unfulfilling relationship because if they don't provide for me I won't ever provide for myself. I come from a society that all is expected from me is for me to cook and clean and bear children. Lol. I don't want that. I want to succeed. I want to travel the world. Explore the unknown. I can. I just don't know how. I wake up every morning feeling like a failure. Next to a man who adores me but I just can't seem to reciprocate. It's like a torment. So I just drink. And hopefully I will draw soon. I love to draw. I just don't know... Lol. It's weird to explain how I feel.

/r/AskReddit Thread