Why does it matter that Trump is indicted? Aren’t they just going to fine him and let him go?

It would be big news and I'm sure some people would be ranting about political attacks, but I doubt anyone would be making threats or protesting. No one actually likes politicians here, for the most part, and people aren't married to particular political parties - swing voters are pretty common. If a past PM was arrested, most people would just mutter about how much politicians suck, watch the news for the drama and entertainment, then move on.

Our most Trump-like far-right senator Pauline Hanson actually did spend time in prison for election fraud (overturned on appeal) which she labelled as a politcal witch hunt. I was only a kid at the time and I do remember it being controversial, but I don't recall any big division amongst the general public about it. Just another potentially corrupt politician.

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