Does that mean double UoCing a 7* is out of the picture?

Plans were destroyed with that recent announcement. I already have set aside UoCs for CG Terra, WoL, and Vivi. NOW, depending on when is Terra getting released, I probably won't have enough resources to get her unless I use real $$$. I thought I'm all set for Terra so I use up all my resources plus some $ on the Halloween banner. I initially didn't like that banner until it's 2nd week. After using Karten friend units, I guess he kinda grew on me and felt I had to chase since it's limited. So yea, I thought I had enough time to save for the few unreleased units I want (CG Noctis/Tidus & Gunner Yuna), and just use UoC tickets for wanted ex-UoCable units. I'm kinda sad.

/r/FFBraveExvius Thread