Why does Mirrors Edge: Catalyst have such unfavorable reviews? I just finished it and found it geniunely very fun

No, people just wanted to complain in this thread.

Highest rated comment here:

Trashy story. This I could tell from the trailers, no offence, but it's teenage level drama - you have this amazing enclosed city concept, but we have to focus on Faith and her coming out of shell experience, why?

Apparently he didn't get the memo this was a reboot of Faith's origin story.


What I gather from all of this is that Catalyst fails because it does the exact opposite of what Mirror's Edge did. ME actively discouraged your from engaging in combat. Guns slowed you down, had limited ammunition and you couldn't reload them, and trying to melee opponents made you a stationary target. Granted, it wasn't handled as well as it could have been, but it was still a novel approach, letting you fight it out, but also presenting you with very good reasons not to. Your advantage was speed and agility, and the player was supposed to play to those strengths.

I feel like the people who upvoted those comments and the OPs haven't played the game before and is only regurgitating reviews

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