Does the mouth splint therapy help reduce/eliminate all TMJ muscular-related problems?

Yeah, I wore mine from last year ~June/July. It helped me with some things, but ultimately I had to figure things out for myself.

During my first maxo surgeon visit, my doctor told me a few things:

  1. I opened my jaw incorrectly. I would slide my jaw forward first and then open it.
  2. I need to relax
  3. I need to change lifestyle habits. Lifestyle habits such as eating are hard to change. I avoid super hard foods, but I still binge at some stuff he's told me not to eat.
  4. The only stretch I should ever do is tongue to roof of mouth, open, close.

My initial symptoms were some pain, morning "locks" (not a lock really, just tight muscle), a dull movement I could feel in my left TMJ where the disc is thumping around with my condyle, and some crunching. There's also tinnitus, but we'll put that aside.

At first, the splint just lowered the frequency of morning "locks", but I realised it wasn't a cure-all very soon after I got it. I continued to research reasons people would clench at night (I only started late 2013) and found things mainly related to stress, anxiety etc. My specialist told me the same thing, but I was always confused when he would tell me to relax since I didn't feel tense.

I found mindfulness meditation and read up on it, visited /r/anxiety or /r/stress ... basically anywhere I thought I could find tips to clear my mind. Some videos I watched motivated me to figure out why I clench at night. I came up with a few routines right before I'd fall asleep to reassure myself I didn't need to clench, there was no stress in my life, I need to relax my pterygoids etc. There'd be some nights as I fall asleep my body would jerk itself awake and I'd find that my teeth are clenched on my plate like it's food. Right after I was falling asleep! I had to work on my bed routine a lot.

With these, after a few months, my jaw opening increased from ~54mm to ~61mm. Clearly my disc is not an issue, it's muscle.

Late last year, I'd get periods of no locking for 4 days in a row. I assumed I was progressing. Most of January, however, I was locking, even with the splint. I blame it being a little off balance, but I was also attending summer school for university, so I thought I was stressing myself out again. So I started to focus on my routines again and rebalance my entire body: fix any muscle knots, fix my posture, join a gym and position my tongue on the roof of my mouth and keep my teeth apart at all times

At some point I found that if I opened my mouth slowly and moved it a round the tight muscle lock a little (only have issues with left TMJ), my jaw would slide open. In fact, it's 11AM right now and I'm in that state right now. My muscles weren't so tight I had to force my condyle to translate with my disc, but only lasts until I hear a faint click and everything turns to shit again. When this happens, I get no crunching. It was amazing when it first happened. I still get weird, dull movements, but I'm still trying to figure out how to move my jaw around in this state without it clicking back into a bad spot. Sometimes, during this state, I can open and close my jaw with no sound or issue, just like my right TMJ.

I'd say that's definitely progress. My jaw is able to remain in a state where there are no noises or issues, but I still have underlying muscular issues I need to work on to sustain it.

During this time I took chelated magnesium. Not sure if it helped at all ... I have a fairly balanced diet.

I don't really wear my splint anymore, since after I stopped clenching my teeth, I found that even with the splint I still clenched my jaw, even if my teeth were apart. I noticed this when I'd wake up in the mornings or when I'd wake up in the middle of the night with my teeth apart, but the muscles behind my back teeth would instantly feel this relief as I consciously relaxed my jaw.

I no longer have a teeth clenching problem like I did at the beginning, but now it's predominately a muscle problem. I have progressed enough so that there's some mornings, like this one, where all of my symptoms disappear as long as I relax and use my jaw properly.

/r/TMJ Thread