Why does my ex bf breakup like this?

Seriously, did everything right? Did we just read the same story? Who knows what happened prior to the breakup, but in her own words, he asked her to stop calling, even blocked her number and called her a stalker and she not only continued to call and email him, but contacted him at work, enough times that his boss had to get involved! That is not helpful to her to tell her she did everything right. No guy (or girl) wants to be in a relationship with someone who acts like this. Neediness/desperation is a huge turnoff to most people and I'm sure that did appear stalkerish to him. Maybe he was a huge jerk in how he handled the breakup, but we don't know why he broke up with her and judging by how she handled it, he may have just been nervous about her and wanted out asap. Regardless of who is at fault, if someone doesn't want to speak to you and blocks you, you should never continue to call/email them and never, ever should get around that "as a last resort" as she put it by calling their work. That is huge boundary stomping right there, is disrespectful and can make you look like a crazy person.

It would be much more helpful for the OP, to politely tell her that what she did is a big no no, and she should avoid it in the future if she wants to have healthy relationships.

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