Does my new friend [22m], like me [21f] or am I just reading into things

I'm naturally a very independent person and have never really felt the need to have anyone fulfill any area of my life. I suppose that comes from being an only child. Sure, Nate isn't here, and I miss him, but I am not one to need a relationship. That's why long distance is working for us, I know he's there, but we're both busy and can do our own thing in the meantime.

While Joe is not filling any void, he is different. We have more in common than my boyfriend and I do (though different relationships have different strong points).. now that I think about it.. we have very similar outlooks on life... I have changed a lot already this summer, realized that a certain path I was on, education wise, was not right for me and I am now changing my direction, and this actually changes a common interest that Nate and I have.

In all, complete and utter honesty.. I do not know what the future will look like for Nate and I... I can't make any real decision until I actually see him again, and spend time on the same continent. I do really care about him.. but I was slightly doubting things even before he left (I just attributed it to being stressed at the end of the year though).

Whatever happens, I will not date Joe. He is such an awesome guy and I would not want to ruin any friendship that we have by adding a romantic or sexual element to it. I would never cheat on Nate, and I won't make any decisions until he gets back. I have a strong will and I always stick to my word.

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