Why does my nightblade sucks ?

Part 4 of 4

  1. Dual-Wield Single Target: Evil Hunter (if you have it), Ambush, Blood Craze, Medium Swing, Flurry, Medium Swing, Soul Harvest. If it's not dead after Blood Craze, then it's probably an elite and you need to dance around quite a bit, taking whatever swings you can, interrupting any spells cast and blocking any big hits. Make sure the DoT/Hot from Blood Craze is always running; reapply when it drops off (every 9 seconds). Other than that, it's alternating Medium Swings with Flurry with an occasional Ultimate until the elite is dead. Some elites you just won't be able to kill. Reroll a Dragonknight for those.

  2. Dual-Wield Group Targets: You will usually take out groups with your bow, but if you are feeling frisky, Evil Hunter (if you have it), Ambush, Blood Craze any living mob (preferably one with high health), spam Steel Tornado until everything is dead. If you get a straggler or one last runner, Ambush and do the single target bit.

  3. Bow Single Target: get behind them if you can, stealth, draw out your bow for a heavy attack, release. Are they still alive? Then Poison Injection. Still alive? Elite? Alternate Poison Injection with Medium hits and Magnum Shot yourself away if they are about to take a swing at you.

  4. Bow Group Targets: Scorched Earth followed by spamming Bombard. Loot corpses. Smile.

  5. Always interrupt casters by bashing them when you see the red sparks; switch targets if you need to. Always block heavy hits when you see the yellow sparks, even if it's being cast by the mob you are not currently targeting. Just those two things alone separate novice players from seasoned players.

I hope I didn't forget anything. Time to go back to bed.

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