Does no one see the irony of Bill insulting comic book fans?

connecting it to authoritarianism is spot on. he want to control how other people live their lives, if they like something he does not like. it's just a different version of a schoolyard punk picking on someone from liking starwars. didn't that stereotype kind of die in 2002 or something?

it's just so strange that he would choose to put his energy there. it's like, fine, if you don't like comic books, then don't. if you don't like superheroes, then don't. if you don't like pop music, then have fun not enjoying pop music. if you don't like pro sports, great, don't like pro sports. who gives a shit about what other people, strangers like or don't like? no one's getting hurt. get a fucking grip. i thought that on the left we don't care about petty shit? and for someone so libertarian he is really concerned with policing someone else's hobbies.

/r/Maher Thread