Does passion ever really last?

I don't want to seem bragging or boasting because I just lurk around this sub sometimes and feel so sorry for everyone because I couldn't imagine having a dead bedroom.

But yes, I've been with my partner for 10 years and we've never had a problem sexually. I guess we're just lucky and match eachothers libido. Ofc it's not as frequent as it was during the "honeymoon phase" (2-4times a day) but we still manage to get in atleast 4-5 times a week, sometimes more sometimes less.

I can't put my finger on why it works so well but I genuinely think there's a match for everyone. Lots of sexting, having sex all over the house (not just in bed at night), flirting, kissing, touching, getting dressed up for eachother but most of all being able to communicate about sex.

It's absolutely possible to keep passion over the years but it takes work and both must be equally into keeping the passion alive.

/r/DeadBedrooms Thread