Does porn and nude photos harm the brain?

Actually, Islam does have to be included into this discussion since he does believe in it, which forbids it. A devils work in that religion, thus, making biased opinions which is understandable since believers have to stand their ground. Anyways, beside religion, you’re a fucking clown for sure, i’m pretty sure you have zero claims to back your stance with trusted sources, and authors that are trusted and or recognized, including a masters/Ph. D. Clown of the day reward goes to you, i’m proud of you. I have many sources and listed one from a Ph. D writer and formally provided it to that guy that also called me insane, and would be happy to provide tons more from trusted sources. I’m sorry sex isn’t appealing to you, or the art of masterbation that has been a common act amongst by a ton of people around the world.

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