This does put a smile on my face...

Outside cats actually very bad for the environment because one they kill birds mostly just for fun and caused many to go extinct and most of those birds are birds that pollinated. Two they make kittens that which are born Farrell and if go back to my first reason were I said they cause the birds to go extinct they were mostly caused by the Farrell cats. We have a huge cat overpopulation in the USA and no one is really doing anything about it and these Farrel cats are have to kind of live dangerous and all we think aawww look at the street cat and then we feed them which makes the problem even worse. Honestly, cats and dogs are supposed to be indoor pets these days yeah bring outside just don't keep them out there for days on end and stuff they have literally been born in such ways to live and need us. Sorry if this long I just know a lot about this subject

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