Does reciting Dzambhala mantras and asking them for assistance require empowerment?

As far as I know, 108 Names of Jambhala don't require oral transmission as it's a sutric source: Or

You can recite Green Tara mantra as well without transmissions. She works well for our worldy and/or spiritual affairs. Highly recommended.

The follow two sutras as far I know, dont require transmissions: The Mahashri Sutra or The Sutra of the Exalted Great Glorified Female Being

Ganapati’s Exalted Heart-Dhārani

Of course, it's best to have the transmissions for them or hope to receive them at some point in the future.

In regards to Dzambhala/Jambhala mantra in general, I heard some Teachers say that to at least have the oral transmission. I'm not 100% sure on this matter.

I think the sutric sources I have listed should work in your favour. The act or thought of generosity is a major factor when it comes to receiving wealth and resources as well. Please try recite for the welfare of all beings and not just for yourself. I have experimented with these sutras for the last few weeks, with daily recitations. It seemed to have helped me.

I hope things work out for you, OP. Best of luck.

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