Why does Reddit think all Boomers dying will solve everything?

The "better without boomers" sentiment is idiotic, but I myself haven't seen that exactly.

However, in terms of this:

It also annoys me how there's a circlejerk on this site about "lol dey bad with technology", even though you have thousands of boomers who worked years writing software for military and space applications.

Because the vast, vast majority of boomers had nothing to do with those fields any more than the general population today has anything to do with engineering and computer science.

In my 30s. I don't generalize about boomers, but realistically it is far more common place to come across boomers that seem to have absolutely no shame about being tech illiterate, or tech lazy. If someone is actually illiterate, as in does not know how to read or write, there is a social stigma and a shame, and such a person would probably try to hide it. With tech illiteracy there is no such stigma and such people seem to equate a basic task like opening a PDF or TIF, or knowing how to even google for that matter, are in the realm of advanced computer science.

These are the poeple that will usually proclaim something like "Oh computers, just too much for me!". Imagine someone saying that about basic reading skills. "Oh those words, just can't be bothered! Too much for me!", let alone when your job requires reading.

I mean if in your personal life you have no use or place for technology from 1995 onward, then go nuts. That's your time, your prerogative. But if you work in any semblance of a modern office, then knowing the basics of Excel and Word, of how to open a PDF or how to open a ZIP or RAR file (or even what they are), I mean these things are now in the realm of required knowledge to do your job.

And yet I encounter this kind of thing all the time. Millennials, like any younger demographic will always be, are prone to stubbornness, hubris, and think they know more than they do, but if comes to getting a photo off a phone, or resetting the printer, or the person who accidentally flipped their screen image upside down, it will be a boomer 100% of the time because they never look this shit up on their own.

Again, maybe it's not tech illiteracy, but just laziness (just get someone else to do it) but these are basic tasks that should be embarrassing to ask help for, at least without having at least tried to look it up on your own since 95% of the time it shows up on the first google result.

/r/RedditForGrownups Thread