Does this reminds you anything?

There is an orgy of evidence but you have to open your eyes to see it. You sound like the guy that on August 5, 1945 says " there is no way the US has a bomb capable of destroying an entire city, do you have evidence of this?" If the US govt had such a program, and they do, it would be the most classified program in existence for obvious reasons. That said, what kind of evidence would satisfy you? Would you like engineering schematics? How about some 35mm footage of test flights? How about I Skype you from a secret military base and show you some alien bodies floating in liquid? Oh wait, that's not real evidence, that could be faked? Obviously you missed the entire point of my original comment. I get it, you are scared. The idea of an alien race of beings from another planet visiting earth, freaks you out for all kinds of reasons. There is no way humans could be anything less than the most evolved and technically advanced society in the entire universe! Hmmmmm, do you have any evidence of that? Do you have any evidence that in the entire universe there hasn't evolved a more advanced civilisation than us? Can you prove we are alone in the universe? Considering the known age of the universe and the number of galaxies and stars you'd have to be pretty full of BS to assume we are the only and most advanced civilization.

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