Why does Riot not accept "It's not fun to play against them" as a valid reason to change a champion?

i'm just gonna play devil's advocate and ask "do you ever think about a champion as fun to play against in general?" do you ever open league and think "wow i can't wait to play against (this champion" when you don't have an extremely hard winning matchup against them? at best, you feel tolerance. i.e. if i'm playing yorick into malphite or some shit i don't feel anything. it's just standard laning phase, i'm not bursting with excitement over the interactions i have against that champ.

because riot does accept "not fun to play against them" as a valid reason (see rengar and leblanc during assassin update). however, they were reverted because they felt really clunky for the players behind them. ultimately, it becomes a question of "is it fun for the player behind the champ above all else." nobody really has "a ton of fun" playing against champs. their emotions usually range from "oh it's an okay matchup whatever" to "wow i really hate playing against this character."

/r/leagueoflegends Thread