Does Rune Knight need to be Nerfed?

Holy shit. I was here 2 months ago dude.

Man. I'm so sorry. This is what caused me to wedge myself away from a group of two years I had been a part of online. They let me play RK in Frostmaiden but the entire campaign, both in this game and the other one we all played, there would be nonstop complaining about it. They (two DMs and several players) kept going on about how it's stealing from bards and certain races when their passives are incredibly "ok", yet the whole echo chamber made it crazy difficult to want to argue.

This is from somebody who played unarmed fighting style too. They would float that "good thing you're not optimized lol" comment and so forth until finally I had enough after playing one in the second game at a much later date and gave them a constructive argument for every point they tried to make over the past 6 months prior. Got called mad, didn't know what I was talking about, or falling for what the masses believe (which is bad if I researched the class?)

I couldn't. It was only one part of how frustrating the atmosphere became that lead me to pull out some receipts for a really unfair nerf they were going to throw on one of the other players (nerf artillerest to one turret per rest). The DM got so upset by it she just booted me from both games full-stop.

It was good that I did. I don't have a group anymore after that whole thing but at least I think I can enjoy playing again when ever I get another chance.

/r/dndnext Thread