Why does it seem that more men seem to get stuck in the "arrested developmemt" phase of life than women?

"Burden of Performance" ™️

I'm the current cultural zeitgeist we live in mens struggles are trivialized with minimal buffers or help. Women talk about rape but they don't realise one thing about being a man. You're subject to the worst parts of other men you have to fight against each other in every arena for survival & are subject to random violence if any situation goes south it's as much a fact of life as harassment. You have to be able to defend yourself professionally, personally, & there are no shortcuts or safety-nets & very rarely does anyone come if you yell for help(figuratively). Other men view you as competition or at worst a threat.

Things are much, much objectively harsher requiring years of work to gain a bare minimum. The cultures fighting against you. Institutions have barriers to entry, it's actually pretty dangerous. Most guys aren't prepared for the transition between boy/manhood most opt to stay there especially considering the lack of early support as well.

  • Your other question relates to the first. What happens when a male doesn't learn these skills & has no role models to teach him? He survives off of mommy skills until his quarter life crisis & realizes he's watching YouTube cat videos at 3am while his female peers are getting railed by his friends. Not learning how to venture out into the world is is risky, but the world is inherently risky so you have to get your sea legs.
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