Does sleeping for longer durations than physically needed lead to a sleep 'credit'?

While in the military, I knew many people who naturally needed less sleep and many who just adapted over time to run on very little.

Some of them were incredibly fit and together, but after a couple years I noticed the ones in the latter category were always a bit slower mentally and seemed to struggle with weight standards. I'm not sure if there's a correlation between good rest and obesity or not, but it was something I absolutely saw. I admired these people despite the drawbacks, these were always the guys with multiple duties, families, and could still find the time for personal hobbies.

Me personally? If I don't sleep well for even one night, I'm useless. I get the shits really bad, my day is filled with apologies after I snap at people, my strength in the gym drops dramatically, and I lose track in the middle of what I'm doing. Humans are weird.

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