Why does society expect us to have children? It’s so unfair and makes me feel sexually violated that this is considered normal. I cry thinking about this multiple times per week

Yes, It's unusual to cry about a shitty circumstance that's you haven't been subjected to yet. Quite weird, in fact. If you live in a first world country, you still have a choice to get pregnant or not anyway.

It's's absolutely horrid and of you to compare the nothing that you have been through yet to sexual assault. Statements like this are deplorable and incredibly disrespectful to ACTUAL sexual assault survivors.

Not to mention the fact that girls making statements like this are extremely problematic to the me too movement. Something that has never happened to you is not a sexual violation to you. I have been raped, I was drugged and I was taken to a man's house and I was raped and I woke up in the middle of the night with him laughing maniacally while he raped me.

That's what sexual violation feels like you twat. Quit your crying and go get some fucking birth control and don't get pregnant. No one is forcing you to do anything, including violating your body.

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