Does the Speed Force exist on Earth-16?

Wow, Greg is such a baby. Like I hate to say it but seriously? I've heard all the stuff about him and the speed force and all, but seeing this... just wow. Like it's ok if you don't understand it at first but after after this many years? I do understand that he has warmed up to it but I just don't see how he could be so against it. This show is literally about super heroes with super powers and if they exist, who's to say the Speed Force—the cosmic force responsible for pushing space and time forward (which is essentially just an infinite pool of energy that resides in another "dimension", if you will)—couldn't possibly exist. In layman's terms, speedsters are the equivalent to wireless devices. Are they not? For God's sake it's already canon that The Source exists which, if anything, makes less sense. Oh man... okay, I'm done.

/r/youngjustice Thread