Does spouting angry rhetoric about how evil and dangerous a given group make you complicit in any ensuing violence?

GC doesn't consider trans people lesser humans.

Sure they don’t

Bev Jo: They expect we’ll be shocked to see statistics about them being killed, and don’t realize, some of us wish they would ALL be dead.

Luckynkl: don’t even call them TIMs call them SCAMs (Surgically and Chemically Altered Males) their nothing more than MRAs (Men’s Rights Activists) in dresses.

Bev Jo: [Transgender Women Are] Male supremacists who want to skin real women to wear as their “womanly” guise. They WOULD be a boring joke, except for the many women who support them. It’s all about saying no to men who won’t take no for an answer, except this group of female-haters have female guardians.

MaggieH: [Males are] Fucking mutants. When will there ever be a male-only deadly disease taking over the earth to put them out of their misery, huh?

Luckynkl: The male-born are biologically incomplete mutants, useless and obsolete; walking viruses on two legs and a cancer, spreading disease, death and destruction wherever they go. They are the walking-dead and the antithesis to life. Gyn-energy sucking vampires who have to plug into women and feed on them in order to survive. No different than a parasite who sucks the life and energy out of its host.

FCM: Neo-Vagina? Or Second Asshole? There is absolutely NO non-patriarchal, non-misogynist reason to regard this structure as a neo-vagina rather than a second asshole… If you must, call it a second asshole, because at least that’s not misogynist.

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