Does Steve Bannon belong on the National Security Council?

  1. It's the intent of the Breitbart article, not the sourcing. They are apologists.

  2. You implied that I was dense first, so tit-for-tat. In fact you still seem to lack a grasp of my basic point about differing world views.

  3. The fact that he ever considered a total ban gives me an indication of his mentality, whether he started soft-pedaling later of not. Did he retract it, or did he just say something different later? Ever occur to you that he might be pursuing his goal in baby steps? If he said, "I think we should lock up all the blacks", and then later said, "I want stop and frisk implemented in these specific high crime black neighborhoods", wouldyou say "oh, there you go, see he's totally reasonable"

  4. "Figure out what's going on" is a vague, weaselish phrase.

  5. All I am basically backing up here is that statement that when they talk I am reminded of nazi propaganda. And now you are doing me to explain to you what that sounds like. How many books do you want me to write for you? You're asking me to concisely summarize my worldview, which is not possible. Any brief summary I boil it down to will be easy to attack with your disingenuous reasoning. You are asking me to do hours of work to present a huge, well documented case, but you know very well most people don't have time for that, so then you can dismiss whatever tidbits I do give you because they wouldn't pass muster for jornalistic publication. Though Breitbart does publish that Milo twerp, and his stuff is way more unsourced and subjectively opinionated than anything I said. He doesn't even bother with caveats.

As a side trip, I read some more articles by that Milo guy on Breitbart. I guess he's really popular with the alt-right? Sweet Jesus, what a load of toxic spew. All he seems to do is stoke up his reader's personal resentments based on straw man charicatures of large demographic groups and complains about how they are victimizing white men (while ironically criticizing professional vitimhood the whole while). On and on about how these degenerate weakings are destroying the fabric of society, you know, like theNazis.

Man I watched some Bannon documentaries last night too. Occupy Unmasked. I wasn't really a fan of Occupy, but I did follow it closely, and I even agreed with a few of the criticisms. But overall it presented a hugely intellectually dishonest case. If you don't watch something like that and see obvious propaganda, I don't think I can make you see it. Would I need to do a scene by scene breakdown? Maybe a YouTube video with my voiceover? And now this propagandist is at the highest level of government, you know, like the Nazis. Do I need to spoon feed you propaganda films too? All of that straw man negative stereotyping and social Darwinism is reminiscent of fascist propaganda

Just to convince you that I formed my opinion in my own rather than getting it from an article I read. Remember? That's all that you were doubting. That my opinion was really my opinion. If I haven't proven that by now, I give up.

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