Why does this sub also hate Sam Harris? Who is the intellectual leader that this sub most closely aligns with?

Sam Harris is right on Islam and that's about it. All his atheist arguments have been made by other people already, serious philosophers have found his attempts to dabble in their field feeble and he's been an apologist for plenty of right wing bullshit. To me the moment I went from merely disagreeing with Harris but otherwise respecting him to downright hating him was when he had Charles Murray on his podcast. I'm not against intellectuals trying to have a serious conversation with Murray, but when Harris failed to meaningfully oppose any of his assertions, particularly Murray's points on race and IQ which are widely rejected in the field of population differences, he effectively normalised a racialist. Just look at how /r/SamHarris has become an echochamber of 'race realists' since that podcast and then tell me that our sub should align ourselves with Harris.

/r/enoughpetersonspam Thread