Why does this sub shit on the CCAF so much?

It’s the fact it’s a super easy to get degree. Many universities will take it and transfer just fine, however many of these are also give me universities who’s degree doesn’t mean much outside the Air Force. People don’t like that if they only spend 2-3 hours a week in college work without studying and have a bachelors in 2-3 years they likely didn’t get anything out of their degree. Attending real in person universities it is expected you will spend 3 hours outside of class for every 1 hour in class. My AMU degree took 2 hours a week and I got a bachelors in business management with a 93 avg. Now I study nursing in person and would get kicked out of my college if I pulled that stunt. Realistically only people in the airforce care if you have a CCAF, university of Maryland, AMU, etc……

/r/AirForce Thread