Does telling someone you want to kiss them take away the “magic”?

The goal of positive consent is to get people to literally just consider what consent actually is. You don't have to be literally asking for permission for every increase in physical intimacy - even if you did it wouldn't be much help since many people enjoy the dance of pulling close and then pushing back - but to instead consider that every time you make a move, you implicitly or explicitly are considering their interest in your pursuits.

I don't usually ask for permission for a first kiss - because in my experience it is quite obvious if you have any social awareness. Was the conversation easy or excruciating? Has there been any other kind of touching up till this point? Are you still enjoying yourself up to the very end? I mean, don't jam your tongue down anyone's throat, but I've never been that wrong about a date. If this is a party, or other alcohol accelerated event, never hurts to test the brakes.

/r/dating_advice Thread