Does it, though?

Nah, as much as I wish it was, look at they eyes, it is clearly supposed to be a Greys-style alien. (It is blue for some reason though. I can only assume they lacked grey paint, or maybe just liked blue).
Unrelated to that: I find this painting actually interesting. you've got this skinny alien with a massive head, and on that head is a door with a silhouetted figure. next to it they painted the word 'you' meaning that you are supposed to take the silhouetted person to be yourself.

What does this mean? Am I the person? does the person symbolize my mind? if it does then does that mean that the alien is supposed to be my normal body?

It seems to want to draw attention to the alien-ness of the body, creating a separation from the human-looking you in the door and the alien-you in reality. Is my mind seperate from my body? or is it an innate part of it? if my brain didn't exist would I? if an alien evolved on a different planet, would he experience existence the same way I do or would he be different? can I ever really experience anything if the real 'me' is just a silhouette controlling a fragile meat-body?

The aliens actual body (rather than head) is tiny, being basically composed of lines, is this intentional? is it meant to indicate the simplicity and impermanence of the physical world, in contrast to the rich and eternal internal?

And what is that thing next to the door? it appears to be intentional but it is like, scuffed or something so I can't make it out. it looks like either a ghost-person or a vein.

Lets assume it's a ghost person, htey chose this picture for a reason, so maybe the scuffing it intentional? if the ghost person represents the human soul than maybe it being obscured represents the difficulty people have in defining and understanding themselves, being an entity that is at once their body and not their body, their mind and yet not their mind.

People have long sought the source of consciousness. yet it has remained ellusive, the farther and deeper we go the more consciousness appears to be just an illusion, but if consciousness IS just an illusion then who is viewing it? if I only feel like I am alive but am not really then how am I looking at this screen and typing it? who is moving my fingers? who drives the car when there is nobody inside of it?

Then you move beyond the painting, to the window.

Where all of the previous elements were man made, illusions created by a person with intention, this is natural, this is a part of the world that existed without our intrusion. wild, chaotic and disorganized, it none the less flourishes in near infinite variety.

Maybe that is the answer? try as you might to look for consciousness inside yourself, be it your mind, your body, or your soul, you will never find an answer. because all of those are just constructs that we have created for ourselves in our search for meaning, and as such have no inherent meaning themselves.

Maybe the reason for life isn't something grand and mysterious, but rather is just to... exist. the plants don't think, don't worry, don't question their purpose, they just are. they live and they grow never questioning why they do.

This is the burden of man, possessing just enough knowledge to know that it was all worthless, just enough insight to figure out that they will never figure it out, and just enough strength to hurt themselves.

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