Does using "String" instead of "&str" a lot results in unoptimised code?

I'm having a hard time determining exactly what you mean, so my post might not be relevant

1) dont use a big long string. Use a struct to store in the hashmap 2) Arc the struct

So your global state is something like

struct User { uname: String, email: String, } lazy_static! { static ref USERS: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<u64, Arc<User>>>> = create_initial_users(); static ref MESSAGES: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<u64, Vec<String>>>> = create_initial_messages(); } The hashmap key to both would be the user_id.

Now your clones() are cheap, you don't need parsing code, and you dont need to duplicate the username, and email in the messages database.

/r/rust Thread