Does the WoL gets a proper personality and character arc later in the game?

If i remember correctly they sent people to try kill the WoL on the silver bazaar questline and then they try to kill you again during the Paladin Questline when you discover that the guy they say stole the Sultanswore sword was actually innocent and the Syndicate are the ones responsible of stealing it (and that they have infiltrated the Sultansworn with a bunch of agents).

I get what you are saying and you are right, but basically from the moment you start ARR (if you start in Uldah) the games hardwires you to hate the syndicate, cause through those quest we keep seeing that the syndicate corruptions causes suffering and damage to a lot of people, so i think is normal to be frustrated with the game when they want you to do something like fistfight a bunch of refugees while the syndicate dont seem to receive any kind of punishment or at least some kind of upcoming for their actions and even the sultana is like "im powerless against them!"

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